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Understanding the benefits provided by urban trees is important to justify investment and improve stewardship. Many studies have attempted to quantify the benefits of trees in monetary terms, though fewer have quantified the associated costs of planting and maintaining them. This systematic review examines the methods used to jointly analyse the costs and benefits of trees in the urban landscape, assesses the relative balance of benefits and costs, and attempts to understand the wide variation in economic values assigned in different studies. The benefits most frequently studied are those related to environmental regulation and property values, and the available data show that these usually outweigh the costs. Aesthetic, amenity, and shading benefits have also been shown to provide significant economic benefits, while benefits in terms of water regulation, carbon reduction and air quality are usually more modest. Variation in benefits and costs among studies is attributed largely to differences in the species composition and age structure of urban tree populations, though methodological differences also play a role. Comparison between studies is made difficult owing to differences in spatiotemporal scope, and in the way urban forest composition and demographic structure were reported. The overwhelming majority of studies concern deciduous trees in Northern America, and much less is known about urban forests in other regions, especially in the tropics. Future work should thus seek to fill these knowledge gaps, and standardise research protocols across cities. In light of ambitious goals in many cities to increase tree cover, ongoing advances in valuation methods need to provide a more comprehensive accounting of benefits and costs, and to better integrate economic assessment into the decision-making process.  相似文献   
为了选出裸花紫珠总黄酮提取的最优方法,比较了ASE、超声、微波萃取和多功能浓缩4种提取方法在裸花紫珠总黄酮提取率上的差异,并利用微孔刃天青法测定总黄酮对表皮易感染菌的MIC值。结果发现ASE法总黄酮提取率最高,约为1.26%,其次为超声和微波萃取法,总黄酮提取率分别约为1.03%和0.98%,多功能浓缩法提取率最低,约为0.36%,且耗时最长。而且研究发现,ASE的MIC值最低。最终得出ASE提取效率最高,且提取物有较好的抑菌性,是裸花紫珠总黄酮提取的最优方法。  相似文献   
选择青藏高原东缘同一生境类型下具有不同交配系统特点和不同传粉者丰度的3种龙胆科植物湿生扁蕾(Gentianopsis paludosa)(自花授粉)、祁连獐牙菜(Swertia przewalskii)(高昆虫访问异花授粉)和线叶龙胆(Gentiana farreri)(低昆虫访问异花授粉)为对象,研究其资源分配特征。结果表明,1)3种植物的花粉胚珠比例(P/O)存在显著差异(P0.05),湿生扁蕾的P/O显著低于另外两种异花授粉植物的(P0.05),祁连獐牙菜的P/O显著低于线叶龙胆的(P0.05);2)3种植物的繁殖分配比例存在差异,湿生扁蕾的繁殖分配比例显著高于另外两种异花授粉植物的(P0.05),线叶龙胆的繁殖分配比例显著高于祁连獐牙菜的(P0.05);3)在繁殖分配比例与个体大小关系上,湿生扁蕾与其个体大小不存在显著相关关系(P0.05),而另外两种异花授粉植物则与其各自个体大小之间存在显著负相关关系(P0.05)。研究表明,交配系统类型和传粉者丰度与植物的资源分配模式有关,尽管3种植物的繁殖绝对投入量都与其个体大小显著正相关(P0.05),但自花授粉植物相对于异花授粉植物具有较高的繁殖分配比例,并且这种较高的繁殖分配比例不受个体大小影响,这种高繁殖投入的资源分配模式可能与自花授粉植物具有繁殖保障,从而降低其繁殖代价有关。  相似文献   
2014—2015年对宣成到官庄境内似鮈生活的汀江河段进行实地考察和采样,结果表明该江段水温、溶解氧和pH分别在17.2~28.5℃、7.03~8.63 mg/L和6.75~6.83之间变化;似鮈喜欢栖息多砾石或沙石的环境,一般隐蔽在石缝里。汀江似鮈每年4—7月为繁殖期,产卵盛期为5—6月;性成熟年龄为1~2龄,体重在8.1~56.3 g之间;雌鱼怀卵量为213~550粒/尾,相对繁殖力为20~120粒/g·体重,成熟系数为1.07%~8.37%,雄鱼成熟系数为0.41%~4.85%;产沉性卵,深黄色,卵径为(0.762±0.015)mm。产卵场水深约1.5~2.5 m,溶解氧为7.85~8.41 mg/L,水温为18.6~26.7℃,pH在6.8~7.2之间,底质以沙砾为主。  相似文献   
Demand for livestock food products is projected to increase dramatically through to 2050. Increased livestock production capacity on marginal lands will be critical to meeting this demand. A 5‐year research effort was undertaken to evaluate lamb and sward productivity within open and hardwood silvopasture (SP) systems in Appalachia, USA. Grazing began in mid to late April each year, with the grazing season averaging 141 d. Grazing system treatments during 2002 and 2003 grazing seasons were as follows: 100% open pasture (OP), 67% OP and 33% SP, and 67% OP and 33% SP with delayed SP grazing initiation (OSD). In 2004, a 100% SP (SP) system was added. Animals were rotationally stocked through either 6 (2002–2004) or 7 (2005–2006) paddocks. Open pasture produced greater (P < 0·001) grazing season herbage yield, while all systems generated similar animal performance. Based on summer solstice, herbage production in spring was greater (P < 0·001) than summer, except in 2003. Total non‐structural carbohydrate (TNC) content was greater (P < 0·05) in spring than in summer, except in 2004. Animal performance was superior in spring versus summer (P < 0·001). Animal plasma urea nitrogen (PUN) was lower (P < 0·05) for OP in 2003. When PUN was correlated with nutritive value indicators, the ratio of TNC to crude protein (CP) had the strongest correlation. The strong correlation indicates the need for synchronized ruminal energy and CP availability. Development of silvopasture from existing woodlots has potential to improve whole farm productivity on marginal lands.  相似文献   
参与主体对于政策的评价是衡量政策实施效果的重要指标,探明政策参与主体满意度影响因素有助于了解主体自身需求,从而提高政策实施水平。文章基于对河北省380家生猪养殖主体调研数据,运用多元有序Logistic回归方法,分析生猪养殖主体自身政策认知以及相关政策执行力度对畜禽养殖主体废弃物资源化利用满意度的影响。结果表明:养殖主体资源化利用政策了解程度能够显著提升其资源化利用政策满意度;仅考虑养殖主体政策参与力度,随着参与力度增加,满意度亦会显著提升。但综合考虑其他因素,参与力度对于满意度提升效果则不再显著;养殖主体感知政策执行力度增加不利于政策满意度提升。此外,生猪养殖主体废弃物资源化利用政策了解程度增加,可以显著提升其报告资源化利用政策“满意”可能性。而单纯提高资源化利用政策执行力度并不能显著提高养殖主体资源化利用政策满意度。因此,要提高养殖主体政策满意度,应多渠道提升宣传力度,鼓励养殖主体积极参与,提高其参与意识,不断改善现有政策执行方式。  相似文献   
为更加科学地开展小麦理论研究和提高育种成效,对‘鲁麦14’的构思设计与创制思路、突出特点和以‘鲁麦14’为亲本选育出的品种进行了系统分析。从2001年到2018年,中国科学院、中国农科院、中国农业大学和山东、江苏、河北、安徽、河南、山西、陕西、新疆、贵州、天津9省1市的89家科研单位和育种企业,以‘鲁麦14’为亲本直接育成品种39个、间接育成品种92个,这些品种通过9省2市166次审(认)定和36次国家审定。‘鲁麦14’作为新一代骨干亲本,为全国的小麦生产和育种工作做出了突出贡献。  相似文献   
依据《中华人民共和国水土保持法释义》对水土保持功能的定义,分析了水土保持设施、地貌植被所发挥或蕴藏的有利于保护水土资源、防灾减灾、改善生态、促进社会进步等作用的内涵。在借鉴国内外先进经验和研究成果基础上,结合我国水土流失特点、水土保持现状,界定出水土保持功能价值概念。采用生态经济学计量方法,结合实际调研情况,分析各个指标之间的逻辑关系,建立了水土保持功能价值评价模型。按照国家水土保持区划一级分区,适当考虑二级分区和三级分区,以及全国水土流失动态监测站网分布概况,收集39个典型县(市、区)2016年度的土壤、水文、气象等观测资料,测算出其水土保持功能价值,进而推算至全类型区,再从8个水土保持一级分区的水土保持功能价值推算出2016年度全国水土保持功能价值,并在对测算结果进行分析讨论的基础上,对国家制定水土保持生态文明对策提出了建议。  相似文献   
畜牧作为推动农业发展的动力,可促进其发展现代化农业,提高农民收入。但是,随着畜牧业发展,加剧粪污污染问题,应加强粪污处理及资源化利用,以达到保护环境的目的。该文主要从畜禽粪污处理和资源化利用重要性切入,分析目前粪污处理与资源化利用方式,提出相应保障措施,进而推动畜牧业实现绿色发展。  相似文献   
南瓜种子含有丰富的营养成分,具有较高的保健价值。我国籽用南瓜产业规模逐年扩大,但目前种质创制和新品种 选育尚有待开展较为系统的研究。本文从籽用南瓜种质资源的鉴定评价和遗传多样性研究、籽用南瓜产量、抗性、种皮颜色、 营养成分等重要农艺性状的遗传定位及调控研究等方面进行综述,同时,对籽用南瓜的研究方向进行展望,以期为籽用南瓜 种质创制和新品种选育提供一定的理论参考。  相似文献   
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